Car Features You May Not Have Known Existed

Car Features You May Not Have Known Existed

Driving a car is a thrill that most people enjoy. With technological advancements, cars are now filled with features that not everyone is aware exist. We will explore some car features that you may not know were available. Whether you’re searching for a new car or just want to know more about your current one,Continue reading →

The Struggle of a Non-Starting Car: A Guide to Understanding the Issue

The Struggle of a Non-Starting Car: A Guide to Understanding the Issue

It’s a typical morning, and you’re ready to start your day. You enter your car, turn the key, and expect the ignition to smoothly purr to life. Yet, nothing happens. Your heart drops, and you feel the frustration of a non-starting vehicle. Car breakdowns can be incredibly frustrating, especially when they occur unexpectedly. So, whatContinue reading →

The Top 5 Most Influential Automotive Brands in 2024

The Top 5 Most Influential Automotive Brands in 2024

The automotive industry is constantly evolving, especially when it comes to reliability, innovation, and sustainability. With electric vehicles taking center stage, it’s no surprise that major automakers are adapting to the changing times. Now that we are into the new year, it’s worth exploring which automotive brands have and will continue to be the mostContinue reading →

Distracted Driving Prevention: Part 3

Distracted Driving Prevention: Part 3

Over the next several months we will be featuring driving safety in the TP Brake & Muffler blogs. This month we will continue to look at distracted driving prevention. According to the National Safety Council (NSC) website: “Multitasking is a Myth” Distracted driving occurs when drivers divert their attention from driving to another activity.” “TheContinue reading →

Distracted Driving Prevention: Part 2

Distracted Driving Prevention: Part 2

Over the next several months we will be featuring driving safety in the TP Brake & Muffler blogs. This month we will continue to look at distracted driving prevention. According to the National Safety Council (NSC) website: “Distracted driving occurs when drivers divert their attention from driving to another activity. Distractions may stem from theContinue reading →

Distracted Driving Prevention: Part 1

Distracted Driving Prevention: Part 1

Over the next several months we will be featuring driving safety in the TP Brake & Muffler blogs. According to the National Safety Council website: “Distraction is a danger to all roadway users. Distraction caused by talking on the phone, browsing the internet, using apps, texting, and use of other electronic devices while driving putsContinue reading →

DIY Car Maintenance for Beginners: Keep Your Vehicle Running Smoothly

DIY Car Maintenance for Beginners: Keep Your Vehicle Running Smoothly

Owning a vehicle can be a source of pride and also a responsibility. As a driver, it’s important to know how to keep your vehicle in good condition to ensure a smooth ride. DIY vehicle maintenance is one skill that all drivers should learn. By doing some simple maintenance on your own, you can saveContinue reading →

7 Winter Car Care Tips

7 Winter Car Care Tips

Winter is just around the corner. That means salted streets, icy roads, freezing temperatures, and snow. Make sure your car is well cared for during the difficult winter months by utilizing these winter car care tips. Here are a few simple car care tips that can go a long way toward making sure you stayContinue reading →

A checklist to prepare your car for a road trip!

A checklist to prepare your car for a road trip!

Check your tires Have a look at your tire pressure and make sure it matches up with the guidelines set out in your owner’s manual? Check the wheels for any bulges or cracks and examine the condition of the tire tread. If your tires need repair, do that right away, go to a local tireContinue reading →

Best Vacations Within Driving Distance

Best Vacations Within Driving Distance

Are you craving a much-needed getaway that is conveniently within driving distance? Look no further! There are many fun vacation destinations within driving distance from the Utica/Rome area! They offer the perfect opportunity to embark on exciting adventures while being able to enjoy the open road and embark on new and exciting adventures. ·        EnchantedContinue reading →